Welcome to Strathaven Academy Parent Council


NEW – Parent-to-Parent resources

Click here to visit our parent-to-parent resources page
where we share links to books, apps, podcasts and websites that have
helped us to help our children. 


Next meeting

Tuesday, 24 September 2024 at 7.00pm

Come along, you will be made very welcome!


Minutes of Previous Meetings –

PC Minutes 4 June 2024 Final

PC Minutes 19 March final

PC Minutes 6 February Final

Parent Council Minutes 28 Nov 23 final

Parent Council Minutes 19th Sept 2023

Parent Council AGM Minutes 19th September 2023

SAPC Minutes 6th June 2023 Final

Strathaven Academy Parent Council Meeting Minutes March 2023 Final

Strathaven Academy Parent Council Meeting Minutes January 2023

Strathaven Academy Parent Council Minutes 29th Nov 2022

19th September 2022 – PC Meeting

SAPC AGM 7 June 2022 Minutes – Final version


      Our Parent Council aims to support, develop and advance school life through collaborative working. The group is made up of parents, pupils and staff who meet five times during the school year. These gatherings offer the opportunity to catch up with the key happenings of school life and discover how you can be involved in projects which enhance your child’s education.

          Everyone is welcome at the Parent Council, where we recognise the value a broad range of parental experience can bring to our school environment. We’re always looking for ways to expand and develop the opportunities available to our children, and we’re interested in your views and ideas.

Every parent has a skill worth sharing

At the moment we are working with the school towards achieving the aims outlined in our Parent Council School Improvement Plan including genuine partnership working to provide mentoring opportunities to pupils, improve the school’s communication procedures, and help modernise the Promoting Positive Behaviour policy. For more information on our projects please go to Parent Council Initiatives.

We know every parent has something valuable to offer and we invite you to join us at our next meeting to find out what we do and how you can contribute. Come along and discover how you can make your child’s school an even better, more inspiring place.

Our meetings are usually attended by parents of young people from all year groups, senior pupils, Headteacher Waheeda Huq, Depute Head Iain Fleming, and a local councillor. Meetings are chaired by parent Jo Tunney.

  • If you’d like to get in touch with the Parent Council please email


  • If you’d like to see the minutes of previous Parent Council meetings, they are available from the school office.


Our Parent Council constitution: SA Parent Council Constitution (June 2022)


For more information on Parent Councils, please go to:-

Parent Council Resource A guide to gathering views and ensuring parents’ voices are heard in your school

Parents as Partners – The purpose and role of Parent Councils

Scottish schools (parental involvement) act 2006 guidance

Parents as Partners – Information from Parent Council members