Strathaven Academy are dedicated to ensuring young people develop key skills to enable them to be respectful of others in all walks of life. As a school community we have been working towards developing our equalities agenda and as part of this we have been working towards achieving The LGBT charter award (silver).

The LGBT Charter makes a clear statement that equality and diversity are at the heart of our school. Strathaven Academy has committed to staff training, sharing information, inclusive lesson content, pupil workshops and celebration days.

To champion our journey, our school has an LGBT Charter group made up of learners and staff who meet every term to discuss and plan actions to progress towards achieving their Silver Charter Award.

The school also has an LGBT+ group who meet weekly for S1- S6 learners. You can find out more about the group by speaking to Mr Kane or Mr Brown in Science.


Referral links

LGBT Youth Scotland –

Stonewall –

Mermaids UK –

Mindout –

Tie –

LGBT Charter of Rights