The school is fortunate in having an enthusiastic and hard-working committee which organises functions and fund-raising activities which have provided the school with many new resources.
The aims of the association are:-
• to maintain a close interest in current developments affecting the education of children at Strathaven Academy
• to assist the school by raising funds and offering practical support to school activities
The business of the association is arranged by a committee composed of:-
• four Office Bearers (who are parents or carers of pupils attending the Academy), who are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting
• six – eight parent/carer members elected annually at the AGM
• the Head Teacher and one Depute Head Teacher of Strathaven Academy
• other members of Strathaven Academy teaching staff
• two pupils of Strathaven Academy to be elected annually
A programme of open meetings and fund-raising is organised annually for the autumn and spring terms. The school greatly appreciates the high level of support which it receives from the PTA. The PTA has regularly provided the school with many items of equipment and furnishings, thus helping to improve the education environment of our pupils and subsidising many pupil activities.
PTA meetings are held on Tuesday evenings at 7.15pm in the conference room.
Enquiries should be made via the school office by email office@strathaven.slanark. or phone 01357 524040.