I am delighted to welcome you to Strathaven Academy. This website provides you with information in relation to all aspects of the life of the school and I hope that it also provides a flavour of the culture and ethos of Strathaven Academy – a positive and purposeful community committed to meeting the needs of every pupil and to providing education of the highest standard.
Expectations of our young people from employers and from further/higher education have never been higher. Our pupils must therefore develop and demonstrate skills, attributes and abilities and secure accredited achievements and qualifications that will enable them to enter the very competitive world beyond school. Working together, school staff, parents and our many partners seek to support and challenge our pupils in this endeavour. We seek to provide a rich and varied range of learning experiences both within and beyond the formal curriculum and, indeed, within and beyond the school building, aiming to ensure that the journey is a memorable and enjoyable one.
We are very proud of our school and our pupils and hope that you enjoy your visit to our website.
Ms W Huq