Pupils will be prepared with the skills and knowledge required to complete National 4 or National 5 in S4 before progressing to National 5 or Higher in S5/6.
Aims of the course
The National 4 English course aims to provide learners with the opportunity to develop the skills of listening and talking, reading, and writing in order to understand and use language.
The course aims to enable learners to develop the ability to:
- listen and talk, read, and write, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
- understand, analyse and evaluate texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media
- create and produce texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
- apply knowledge and understanding of language
- plan and research, integrating and applying language skills as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
Course assessment
To achieve a course award at National 4, pupils will be required to pass four internally assessed Units.
Unit Assessment
English: Analysis and Evaluation
- Understand, analyse and evaluate straightforward texts
- Understand, analyse and evaluate straightforward spoken language
English: Creation and Production
- Create and produce straightforward written texts
- Take part in straightforward spoken interactions
- Read and understand straightforward word-based texts
- Listen to and understand straightforward spoken communication
- Write straightforward technically accurate texts
- Talk to communicate, as appropriate to audience and purpose
Added Value Unit
- Apply language skills to investigate a chosen topic
On completion of the course, pupils may progress to the National 5 English course or the National 5 Literacy Award.
Aims of the course
The National 5 English course aims to provide learners with the opportunity to develop the skills of listening and talking, reading, and writing in order to understand and use language.
The course aims to enable learners to develop the ability to:
- listen and talk, read, and write, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
- understand, analyse and evaluate texts including Scottish texts, as appropriate to purpose and audience in the contexts of literature, language and media
- create and produce texts, as appropriate to purpose, audience and context
- apply knowledge and understanding of language
Entry Requirements
Pupils in S4 will be expected to have been working securely at Level 3 and achieving at least some elements of Level 4 during S3.
Pupils in S5/S6 will be expected to have achieved a pass in National 4 English or a D in National 5 English in S4.
Course assessment
To achieve a course award, pupils will require to pass the internally assessed Unit and the externally assessed Course Assessment.
Unit Assessment:
Spoken Performance
In this assessment, pupils have to carry out at least one of the following spoken language activities:
- Take part in a group discussion to which they contribute relevant ideas, opinions, or information, using detailed language. Candidates must take account of the contributions of others and stay focused on the topic or task.
- Prepare and present a presentation. The presentation must be detailed in content, and must be structured in a clear and relevant way. Candidates must answer questions from the audience at some point in the presentation.
There are four criteria which must be met. These are:
- employs detailed and relevant ideas and/or information using a structure appropriate to purpose and audience
- communicates meaning effectively through the selection and use of detailed spoken language
- uses aspects of non-verbal communication
- demonstrates listening skills by responding to detailed spoken language
Course Assessment
Writing Portfolio – 30 marks.
The folio will comprise one piece of creative writing and one piece of discursive writing.
Examination – 70 marks
Section 1: Reading for Understanding, Analysis, and Evaluation – 30 marks.
Pupils will answer questions on a previously unseen non-fiction text.
Section 2: Critical Reading – 40 marks.
Part A: Critical Essay – 20 marks.
Pupils will answer one question and will provide an extended written response based on a previously studied text.
Part B – Scottish Texts – 20 marks.
Pupils will answer one question on an extract from a previously studied specified Scottish text.
On completion of the course, pupils may progress to the Higher English course.
National 5 Literacy Award
Course Assessment
To achieve an National 5 Literacy Award, pupils will require to pass one internally assessed Unit.
The learner will need to pass all four elements:
- Read and understand detailed word-based texts
- Listen to and understand detailed spoken communication
- Write detailed, technically accurate texts
- Talk to communicate, as appropriate to audience and purpose